• JaredJJ02#7399
  • Jared.Robinson@students.mq.edu.au
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Welcome to my Blog

I'm Jared Robinson, an upcoming Mechatronic Engineer studying at Macquarie University. I spend my time making things I find interesting, and aim to further my engineering skills by doing so.

Why Engineering?

Like most people in my generation, I grew up with a keen interest in technology. Engineering seems to me as the best application of this interest, as it allows me to sit at the cutting edge of what is possible, where I myself can have a say in what technology will look like moving forward.

  • Why Mechatronic Engineering?

    I feel Mechatronic Engineering allows me to have the flexibility to work across a wider variety of projects than any one traditional field of Engineering. This allows me to have a wider understanding of engineering (and technology) as a whole.

    Mechatronic Engineering has recently exploded in popularity throughout Europe, and is just gaining momentum in Australia. I feel this makes it the perfect time to jump into the Mechatronic Specialisation.

--- Anything that I decide to make ---

Eventually | These | Will | Be | Used | To | Filter | The | Results
  • Conway's Game of Life
    • Me

    I created Conway's Game of Life in the Processing IDE from scratch.

  • Designing a PCB
    • Me

    I design my first ever PCB with CircuitMaker.

  • Placeholder heading
    • Me

    I haven't written a blurb to go in this part of the webpage yet, but hope to have something that goes here eventually.

  • Placeholder heading
    • Me

    I haven't written a blurb to go in this part of the webpage yet, but hope to have something that goes here eventually.

  • Placeholder heading
    • Me

    I haven't written a blurb to go in this part of the webpage yet, but hope to have something that goes here eventually.

  • Placeholder heading
    • Me

    I haven't written a blurb to go in this part of the webpage yet, but hope to have something that goes here eventually.

Pete Tsar
A very charming Lecturer who wants to recommend me
Right now, this recommendation is completely made up. But it doesn't have to be! Feel free to send me an email if you want to write something nice that I can display here. But for now let's use these words to fill in this part of the web template!

--- A place where I put forward my current ideas. ---

Blog Posts
Website Information

This website is built as a public portfolio to showcase my skills as an Engineer.

Although all information written on this site is my own (along with any other accompanying media) This website is fundamentally built using the free public resources provided by OS Templates, and is hosted for free using GitHub Pages (both of which are linked to the right).